Thursday, November 10, 2011

Godfather 2: Redux

We re-review Godfather two with Zack. Zack gives it a 3.5. Tom gives it a 15. and Cecil gives it a 2.5.

Next time: Redux of The Wrestler


Parrot said...

LOL - I should start posting my comments here so that people can actually see what I have to say rather than having you guys relay it.

I got used to sending you emails because I was going through past episodes and I know that nobody checks the comments from past episodes.

Parrot said...

You're absolutely right, I'm totally a closeted True Blood fan boy. WHY OH WHY COULDN'T BILL AND SOOKIE JUST WORK IT OUT!!! *SOB*

But if anybody else is interested, this is what I actually wrote:


I just realized after listening to you that it probably came off as though I was trying to defend True Blood. That wasn't the case. I just found that answer the woman gave in the interview to be funny.

I'm in a similar boat to you guys, I wouldn't watch True Blood if it weren't for my wife either. The characters are often hard to connect with, and the plot can
get kind of weird. I find enough of it interesting that I don't completely tune out like you guys do though.

For example, I like the aspect that even though the vampire haters are major assholes, they kind of have a valid point. In this world vampires ARE pretty
dangerous, and even the "good ones" feel free to ignore human law and do whatever they please, as long as they can glamour people and make sure that the word doesn't get out.

I liked the scene recently where a bunch of rainbow-and-puppies vampire huggers got slaughtered at that vampire rights rally.

So there are bits and pieces that keep me from becoming bored, but like I said, it's not enough that I would choose to watch it if my wife weren't interested in the show.

And I suspect that it's a lot more entertaining than the Twilight movies.