Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wrestler Redux

Tom, Zack and Cecil re-review the wrestler. We also talk about the show ending. Please vote for the next show: Harry Potter 7a and B or Twilight: Breaking Dawn.


1 comment:

Parrot said...

Wow, I guess this will be the first, and last, time that I get to vote on a movie.

I've got to tell you, I came over after listening to all your Cognitive Dissonance episodes, looking for more. I figured I'd listen through your archive and just press the stop button when you guys started talking about movies. I didn't really have any interest in that.

But I was slow in pressing that stop button, and I actually found myself getting interested in what you had to say. You guys are just as entertaining when you're bitching about movies as you are when you're bitching about current events.

And you made me think a little more about the way I view my entertainment, and I appreciate that.

So I listened through your archive, and even did some detective work and tracked down most of your older episodes - all except for the first two. I'm looking forward to you releasing those.

Of course I'd have liked for you to continue Everyone's A Critic, but I'm not that sad about this. It seems like it was the right decision for the both of you, and I'm going to continue to enjoy listening to you guys on Cognitive Dissonance.

Anyway, my first and final vote for the next Everyone's A Critic movie goes to, and I'm very sorry about this Tom, Twilight!

You guys are at your absolute best when you're both tearing a film to shreds. I don't want your last review to be anything but an exercise in tearing down a film that you both hate with a vengeance.

Your logo is two frowny masks after all. Your last episode should leave no room open for either of you to actually like something about the movie.