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News: Mila Kunis goes to marine ball after being asked via you-tube; Netflix price hike. Focus: Black swan we both loved. 4.9 from each of us. Vertigo we both hated, 1.5 for Tom, .33 for Cecil. Next time True Grit and Due Date. Vote for 2: Spirited Away, Green Hornet, and Little Red Riding Hood.
Oh, Spirited Away for sure! Flip a coin for the other one, I did, and it came up for Green Hornet.
I vote for Red Riding Hood because of the "immortal" GARY OLDMAN and I also vote for Spirited Away because I felt the inklings of some movie hate from Cecil when it was mentioned...and not so much from Tom. It will be nice to have the guys NOT agree on a flick's goodness.
This episode was great - especially when Tom was crying with laughter during Cecil's Jimmy Stewart impression during the Vertigo bit. HI-LARIOUS.
The Vertigo review reminds me of some stories I've heard about Alfred Hitchcock.
Unfortunately I can't find a source for this, but I recall watching a documentary in which it was said Hitchcock refused to marry his fiance Alma until he was working in a superior position - he couldn't handle the idea of being on equal or lesser footing than his lady in the workplace.
There's also a story about one of his more... interesting practical jokes. Hitchcock offered a man a pound to stay manacled on a set overnight. He offered this man a thermos of coffee so he wouldn't go thirsty. The coffee was laced with laxatives. The next morning Hitchcock and the crew returned to the suffocatingly hot set to find the man laying in a puddle of his own rancid shit.
Anyway, my votes:
Spirited Away (beautifully animated, but seemingly interminable and utterly confusing).
Red Riding Hood (Twilight minus vampires plus period costumes plus shitty fake accents).
Great show.
Black Swan-
For the Portman/Kunis love scene, the other possible "reality" is that this was her mom. Gross I know, but listen to the reasoning. While in the throes Portman's character is referred to as such a sweet girl. This is the same thing her mom refers to her in the movie. Also, prior to this scene there is another scene where Portman's character is getting ready for bed, and her mom comes to the door and says, "are you ready for me". If a mad breakdown it is, and we agree that her decent to madness has a lot to do with her relationship with her mom, then I suggest that there is abuse here, as well. Her mom is seriously fucked in the head. So is she. Great movie. One of those that you only need to see once.
Didn't like it either. My favorite Hitchcock film is "The Birds". By the way, I think it is hilarious that in the tags for this episode you don't even mention Hitchcock (the loathing was palpable), but then I guess you don't mention Aronofsky either.
Next time-
Spirited Away - I love this movie, but then I love almost all of Hayao Miyazaki's movies.
Green Hornet - I haven't seen this one, but I have no desire to hear about Little Red Riding Bella, and her fucking visit to grandma's house.
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