We start out talking about a commercial for the Alamo Drafthouse,
And the making of Risk - the Movie. We review Terminator 2 and The switch, Tom and Cecil both give T2 a 3.5, Tom hates the Switch giving it a 1.0, Cecil laughed and gave it a 2.5. We give out the "Butthurt Comment of the Year" to Andy 2.0. Next time we watch Vertigo and Black Swan. Vote for 2: Due Date, True Grit, and Amélie.
One of my favorite parts of this episode was Cecil's squeaky-voiced interpretation of little John Connor's changing voice.
"When it's time to change you got to rearrange, from who you are to what you're gonna be! Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na!"
I choose Due Date and Amelie...want to hear you get your hate on with Due Date.
OK, that commercial is priceless! I love that the Drafthouse took that and ran with it.
I'm voting for Due Date and Amelie for much the same reasons as SM. Amelie I've heard was decent, and Due Date was such a mindless piece of crap, I feel the need to hear you guys rip it apart like it so richly deserves. My apologies for having to sit through it though...
Good show, as usual. I like the good movie/ bad movie concept, so I vote for True Grit and Due Date.
Risk bothers you guys? Try Battleship (2012), Candy Land (2013), and Monopoly (2014). According to IMDb, all of these are happening.
I'll vote for True Grit and Due Date.
My vote: Due Date and Amelie.
Why? Because the pain you experience reviewing shitty films is like delicious cake, and the butthurt your disgust will cause the hipsters in the French Cinema Society and Zack Galafinakis's fan club will make an exquisite iciing.
I'll tell you a character-driven movie that the pair of you HATED....Local Hero, you pair of lousy, motherfucking douchebags (just thought I'd continue with the random name calling instigated by Andy 2.0 in the last pod)
Terminator 2 is a TERRIBLE film, but then I'm biased about this because I dislike everything James Cameron has ever done. James Cameron is the prick who crapped all over the near perfect Alien by pulling down his shit streaked y-fronts and curling out the badly written, badly acted, misogynistic, macho turd of a film that is Aliens.
There are some who do not think this way, and hold up Aliens to be as exemplary piece of sci-fi movie making; but that is because they are very, very stupid. If you have warm, fuzzy memories about Aliens because you loved it when you first saw it years ago, then just sit down and watch it again. I dare you to say I'm wrong.
(Sorry, once I start about Cameron I just can't stop)
Anyway, I hate Terminator because of at least two of the things you hated. Edward Furlong, and Arnie's raised thumb. I GAG at the very thought of it.
I have not seen, and do not intend to see, The Switch.
My votes for the next podcast are for True Grit and Amelie.
Looking at how everyone else has voted I suspect that True Grit won't be chosen, but Due Date looks like it's in the same mould as The Hangover (shit on a stick), so I refuse to vote for it.
Amelie is a lovely film and, as I think I've mentioned before, Jeunet uses great art direction in his flicks.
If you dislike Amelie then you can just fuck off and join the massed ranks of the Terminator 2 and Aliens apologists....fucking losers.
With deepest respects to both you and your families,
Mr A Elkerton Esq
That commercial was hilarious. I vote for Due Date and True Grit.
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